Covid Vaccine for 18-44 Aged Pravasi Keralites on Priority Base

Bringing clarity on the vaccination among those aged between 18 and 44 years expats of kerala, the health department stated that this group will be getting priority for taking the vaccine. Registration should be done online only through the CoWin site first. Once they get the unique reference ID from CoWIN website, they can take that ID and go to the kerala govt’s priority covid vaccine portal and register for vaccine by adding that reference ID and uploading proof for traveling abroad such as passport, visa / ticket.

Registration process for those between 18-44 years of age

  1. Register on CoWIN website
  2. Upload the traveling proof in the Kerala government vaccine website

The district health department after verifying the details, will approve the certificate. The beneficiary will be notified the place and time of vaccination through SMS


Step 1 : Go to this website

Step 2 : Go to this website

According to official data, there are 2,38,210 active cases of Covid-19 in Kerala. The lockdown in the state has been extended till June 9 in all the districts. Stay home, stay safe.


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